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Diese Serie von 4 Lektionen wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Schwächen zu verbessern und Ihre Stärken in der Nebensaison zu erhalten.
Booking: Aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit müssen alle Unterrichtspakete im Voraus mit Rob vereinbart werden. Bitte füllen Sie das Formular mit Ihren 4 Wunschterminen aus und Rob wird sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.
Duration: TBC
Number or Particpants: Eine Klasse
Inclusive: Golf coach, Unlimited Golf Balls and Equipment Hire
Programme: Driving Range: Introduction to Golf, Basic technique on the driving range, Putting, Fun Games
Cost: Kostenlos (Lokal Schulen)
Goal: Fun introduction to the sport so the participants will understand what golf is.
Unser Trainingsangebot für junge Golfer (16 – ca. 30 Jahre) an ausgewählten Freitagabenden. Unter dem Motto “Meet like minded golfers” trainieren wir zunächst eine Stunde zusammen auf der Driving Range, gehen dann auf den Platz, und im Anschluss gehen wir zusammen etwas trinken.
Freitags 18.00 – ca 21.00
Mai: 24.
Juni: 7. & 21.
August 16. & 30.
Sept 13.
You can book onto any week using our integrated online booking system via the link below. Select Gruppenkurse and ‘Young Wild and Golfing’.
Duration: 40 Mins
Number or Particpants: 5 to Max 15 people
Inclusive: Golf coach, Unlimited Golf Balls for 40 minutes and Equipment Hire
Programme: Driving Range: Introduction to Golf, Basic technique on the driving range, Fun Target Game at End
Cost: CHF 30 p.Person
Goal: Fun introduction to the sport so the participants will understand what golf is and how to go on a driving range on their own.
Duration: 80 Mins
Number of Participants: 5 to Max 25 People
Inclusive: Golf coach, Unlimited Golf Balls for 80 minutes and Equipment Hire
Programme: Driving Range: Introduction to Golf, Basic technique on the driving range, short presentation and explanation of the golf Course and Putting Competiton
Cost: CHF 35 p.Person
Goal: Fun introduction to the sport so the participants will understand what golf is and be able to visit a driving range or putting green on their own. All will be involved in a
Extras: Aperos and Meals can be arranged at our Golf Club Restaurant.
Duration: 120 Mins
Number of Participants: 5 to Max 25 People
Inclusive: Golf coach, Unlimited Golf Balls for 80 minutes and Equipment Hire
Programme: Driving Range: Introduction to Golf, Basic technique on the driving range with an extended time to hit balls and play fun games, in depth presentation on the Golf Sport and Course and Putting Competition
Cost: CHF 45 p.Person
Goal: Fun introduction to the sport so the participants will understand what golf is and be able to visit a driving range or putting green on their own. All will be involved in a
Extras: Aperos and Meals can be arranged at our Golf Club Restaurant.
If you want to get rid of the slice, struggling with the shanks or want to get clarity after the many tips from your golfing friends, then come and see us to get a clear picture of what to do in any situation on the golf course.
Lessons are available on the driving range or on the golf course.
Prices 2024
1P 40 Mins: with Rob CHF 100, with Dani CHF 95
2P 40 Mins: with Rob CHF 125, with Dani CHF 120
(80 & 120 Minutes are also available, prices shown in booking system , 3 or 4 people, please speak direct to your Pro)
Our Pick and Mix offers you a chance to take 6 x 40-minute lesson specific to your game and enjoy a 9-hole round with your coach, learning how to put this in play on the course. Our Pick and Mix Deluxe starts with a 40 Minute Assessment, Goal Setting and we then determine how to use the next 14 Sessions throughout the season. (Recommended 7 x 80 Mins but this package is fully customizable).
Option 1 Pick and Mix
1 Person CHF 850 with Roberto
2 Personen CHF 525 p.P. with Roberto (Total CHF 1050)
Option 2 Pick and Mix Deluxe
1 Person CHF 1400 with Roberto
2 Personen CHF 850 p.P. with Roberto (Total CHF 1700)
Driver Fit: We will measure your swing and work out which head and shaft combination will help you gain more distance of find the fairway more often based on your needs.
Woods / Hybrid Fit: Not sure if you are better suited to Fairway woods or Hybrids. We will help you find out why some work better than others and which fit into to your current set.
Iron Fit: Let us help you find the right shaft, head design, lies and grips to ensure your irons shots end up nearer to the hole more often.
Wedge Fit: Sand wedges are not all the same and you need them to work from short grass, in the rough and from the sand. You will test the varous wedges in all of these conditions and then help you find the lofts to match your set and needs
Putter Fit: With so many styles and ways to putt, we will help you understand which head type suits your eye with our laser test. We will then help you determine the optimal length, lie, loft, weight and grip for your putting stroke.
Gap Fit: Check you current set to ensure you have all situations and distances covered
New Golfer: Want to get start and worried about your budget and all the possibilities. We will help you understand what clubs you need and the different pricing possibilities. We have something for all budgets
We will help you find the perfect set. This fitting will help you get the correct Driver, Fairway Wood / Hybrids Irons and Wedges
80 min Course on the Driving Range to try Golf.
Dates and Times
Das innovative neue Konzept “Der Weg zur Platzreife” beginnt mit einem 6-stündigen Crashkurs. Nach dem Crashkurs trainieren die Teilnehmer eigenständig und nehmen an zwei geführten Trainingseinheiten pro Monat teil. Im Preis inbegriffen sind Mietschläger, eine dreimonatige Mitgliedschaft auf dem Pitch und Putt, sowie alle Greenfees auf dem Platz im GC Schinznach Bad einmal pro Monat für den Platzreifeversuch.
Preis: CHF 1150 p.P.
Crashkurs 1
Freitag, 05. April, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 06. April, 08: 00 – 11:00
Crashkurs 2
Freitag, 03. Mai, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 04. Mai, 08: 00 – 11:00
Crashkurs 3
Freitag, 31. Mai, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 01. Juni, 08: 00 – 11:00
Crashkurs 4
Freitag, 05. Juli, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 06. Juli, 08: 00 – 11:00
Crashkurs 5
Freitag, 09. Juli, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 10. Juli, 08: 00 – 11:00
Daten der geführten Trainings
Freitag, 19. April, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 27. April, 08: 00 – 11:00
Freitag, 17. Mai, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 25. Mai, 08: 00 – 11:00
Freitag, 14. Juni, 18:00 – 21:00
Samstag, 22. Juni, 08: 00 – 11:00
Mehr Daten: TBC
Dieser Kurs ermöglicht Golfschülern einen systematischen Einstieg in das Spiel bis hin zur Platzreife. Die Trainingseinheiten werden individuell terminiert, je nach Zeit, die für das Training zur Verfügung steht. Wir lernen den Golfschwung und alle Schläge, die auf dem Platz gebraucht werden und wie man richtig übt. Wir sammeln auch erste praktische Erfahrungen auf dem Golfplatz.
Termine: Werden mit den Teilnehmern individuell vereinbart.
Dauer: 20 Trainingseinheiten à 40 min
Gruppengrösse: 1 – 3 Teilnehmer
Kosten für 20 Trainingseinheiten
1 Person 1800,- CHF
2 Personen 1150,- CHF p.P.
3 Personen 875,- CHF p.P
mit Daniel Hösli (Roberto nur auf Anfrage)
Die Kurse sind ein strukturierter Ansatz zum Erlernen des Spiels auf dem Platz. Sie sind flexibel genug, um individuellen Ansprüchen (zeitliche Flexibilität) gerecht zu werden.
We organize one off workshops in small groups for you to work on a specific area of your game. Click below to get more information on the courses we have available.
Upcoming Workshops and Pricing
Season Start Workshop:
The perfect refresher to get you ready for the season. We will cover the most important aspects of Putting, Short Game, Irons, Woods and Driver to ensure you are clear on what to do in the new season.
You can book onto a workshop using our integrated online booking system. Click ‘Book a workshop’ below.
Tour Caliber short game area featuring three full-size greens to chip or pitch to, including a 75 yard "short hole" that players can hit full wedge shots into. Bunkers and natural undulation make practicing in this short game area unique as you could spend an entire session and never have the same shot twice.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.